Our research aims to study the different issues related to domestic violence. These include; revealing public attitudes towards domestic violence; existing stereotypes; widespread forms of domestic violence; provoking factors; main violators; the role of socio-economic factors in the implementation of family roles and functions; interlinkages between family violence and the issue of property; process of Domestic Violence law implementation; psycho-social and legal problems faced by the survivors of domestic violence. Sakhli has also carried out several pieces of research studying the problems faced by the internally displaced population and refugees/asylum seekers which revealed their attitudes towards gender based, domestic and sexual violence.
Sakhli has conducted following the research studies and surveys on domestic violence and related problems:
Domestic Violence – Study of Gender Attitudes, 2002
Gender Aspects of the Family Conflicts, 2003
Monitoring of the Plan of Action for Combating Violence against Women, 2004
Domestic Violence – Personal Profiles, 2005
Domestic Violence- Threat to the Health, 2006
Study of Social aspects of the Disabled people, 2007
IDPs and the Problem of Violence, 2009
Problems of IDP Children and Men, 2010
Social problems of Internally Displaced Population, 2011
Study of Psycho-social and Legal Problems Faced by the Survivors of Domestic Violence, 2014
Refugees, Asylum Seekers, Humanitarian Status-holders- the polling results, 2015
The role of social and institutional support in protection and assistance of domestic violence survivors (2016)
Researching SGBV among Refugees, Humanitarian Status Holders and Asylum Seekers in Georgia (2017)
Preventing Teen Dating Violence in Georgia - (Erazmus+ 2019)
Assessment of the impact of Covid-19 on Different Groups of the Society (WHO 2021)
Some Aspects of the Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic ( UN Trust Fund 2023)
Summary of some results obtained by researches:
"To what extent is domestic violence usual in Georgia?"
(from the research Social problems of Internally Displaced Population, 2011)

Studies of the recent years
Teen Dating Violence in Georgia
In 2019, within the framework of the project "Love & Respect - Prevention of the Teen Dating Violence " Sakhli conducted a quantitative study - “Preventing Teen Dating Violence in Georgia” It was dedicated to the study of the experience of violence in intimate relationships of adolescents in Georgia.
According to the results, 72% of young people in Georgia who were in romantic relationships say that they experienced violence from their partner, the majority (61%) were victims of psychological violence - partners constantly control them, prevent them from seeing friends and relatives, make them jealous, etc. 15% of the respondents mentioned that they were victims of physical violence, and 11% - of sexual violence. 19% of respondents experienced violence from their partner for a long period of time.
Assessment of the impact of Covid-19 on different groups of society
In 2021, Sakhli conducted a quantitative and qualitative study "Assessment of the impact of Covid-19 on different groups of society" (representatives of the health care sector, state organizations, doctors, psychologists, psychiatrists), within the framework of the project "Promoting Civil Society Involvement in Response to the Covid-19 Pandemic at the national and local level". The purpose of the research was to obtain information and analyze the response to the crisis situation created due to the coronavirus in Georgia, namely the challenges created from 2020 to May 2021, the current situation. A survey was also conducted in order to assess the situation of healthcare workers in the pandemic situation and after it, in particular to determine the problem of professional burnout. The results showed the existence of professional burnout tendencies among representatives of the healthcare system. Medical personnel try not to show their inner state, however it is manifested in the tendency to fatigue and tension.
Some aspects of the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic
In 2022, within the framework of the project "Protection and assistance of women and girls during the covid-19 pandemic crisis" supported by the United Nations Trust Fund, Sakhli conducted a study, the purpose of which was to assess the impact of the pandemic on women/girls living in the Tbilisi region, the problems caused by it (psychological, economic and etc.), assessment of the support of the responsible parties and attitude towards the issues of domestic violence and violence against women in the context of the pandemic; to identify the problems/difficulties and needs faced by women/girls, obtaining information about the psychological impact of the pandemic. A quantitative survey was conducted with a specially designed questionnaire that covered the following topics: attitude toward the of the pandemic; mental health problems caused by the pandemic; access to services; State support: new opportunities,pandemic and domestic violence; vision of the future.
The results of the study confirm the negative consequences caused by the pandemic, the deterioration of physical and psychological health, economic difficulties and the need to strengthen primary psychological support for women/girls. Macro-level changes, such as women's economic empowerment and the creation of a broad, interprofessional support network for women victims of violence, can also help bring about long-term change.
The presented research shows that the majority of women (93%) avoid talking about the facts of violence they personally experienced and even about the experiences of their family members, friends or neighbors in this regard. Paradoxically, against the background of increasing violence in the world, the majority of respondents (45%) deny the increase in cases of family conflicts/domestic violence and tensions during the pandemic, while 40% refrain from giving a positive or negative answer.
The results of the study, which reflect the situation of women/girls living in the Tbilisi region against the backdrop of the coronavirus pandemic (their challenges, needs) and the issues of domestic violence and violence against women, give us the basis for the defining and implementation of an adequate action plan in the near future.
Some research data: